Colosseo means Coliseum in Italy. It is 188m long, 156m wide, 57m high and 527m girth, anyway big.
Each photo seems to be one but actually two photos were combined into one or so called panorama photo

Close up view in front of the slope

Many tourists as one of typical historical spots
View from on-the-slope and best view

Construction was started by Vespasian in BC 70 in the grounds of Nero's private Domus Aurea and completed in AD 80. It is world largest arena and the massive structure could seat more than 50,000.
Triumphal Arch is called Constantine Arch of Triumph and it was constructed for the memorial of defeating Emperor Maxentius in AD 312. Napoleon modeled it on Arc de Triumph.
It was around five o'clock and then photos are reddish by sunset light.